您在處理管制代理人(RA)或管制空運貨物安檢設施(RACSF)的要求時係咪好頭痛? 唔使擔心,我哋可以幫到您!在 Accounting Plus,我們的專家團隊隨時準備好協助您應對 RA 和 RACSF 合規性的複雜世界。我們將在每一步與您合作,從牌照申請、合規營運到員工培訓以至牌照生效其間的一切。以下是我們可以為您做的:

  • 註冊有限公司
  • 處理您的 RA 申請或 RACSF 申請
  • 提供有關遵守要求和合規的指導
  • 制定並實施員工培訓計劃
  • 進行安全風險評估與審計
  • 協助您實施保安最佳要求

憑藉我們良好的業績記錄以及對 RA 和 RACSF 要求的深入了解,您可以信賴我們能夠確保您的業務合規及有所保障。

不要讓RA或RACSF合規性讓您徹夜難眠。與Accounting Plus合作,讓我們負責細節,讓您可以專注於您最擅長的事情!

Do you feel headache when dealing with the requirements of Regulated Agent (RA) or Regulated Air Cargo Screening Facility (RACSF)? Don’t worry, we can assist you!

At Accounting Plus, our team of experts is ready to assist you navigate the complex world of RA and RACSF compliance. We will work with you every step of the way, from license applications, compliance operation to staff training and everything in between the license in valid. Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Register Business Registration
  • Handle your RA application or RACSF application
  • Provide guidance on compliance with requirements and regulations
  • Develop and deliver staff training programs
  • Conduct security risk assessments and audits
  • Assist you to implement security best practices

With our proven track record and in-depth knowledge of RA and RACSF requirements, you can trust us to keep your business compliant and secure.

Don’t let RA or RACSF compliance keep you up at night. Partner with Accounting Plus and let us take care of the details, so you can simply focus on what you do best!

PayCargo – Accounting Plus為航空物流業帶來創新

除了航空保安服務, Accounting Plus還在航空和物流行業的各個領域推動創新,PayCargo就是其中之一。我們將PayCargo引入香港,並在國泰貨運站(CCT)成功實現首個PayCargo供應商在香港通過PayCargo收取付款。現在,您可以通過PayCargo支付國泰貨運站的貨站費用,安全、高效、便捷!


PayCargo – Accounting Plus Brings Innovation to the Aviation and Logistics Industry

Apart from aviation security services, Accounting Plus is driving innovation in various areas of the aviation and logistics industry, and PayCargo is one of them. We brought PayCargo to Hong Kong and successfully implemented the first PayCargo vendor in Hong Kong to collect payments through PayCargo at Cathay Cargo Terminal (CCT). Now, you can pay Cathay Cargo Terminal for their terminal charges through PayCargo – secure, efficient, and convenient!

Contact us today to start your PayCargo account and begin making payments for Cathay Cargo Terminal charges and other services. Our team will guide you through the setup process and ensure a smooth transition to this innovative payment solution.


在Accounting Plus,我們在航空安全方面的豐富經驗使我們成為值得信賴的合作夥伴,幫助企業實現RA和RACSF合規。我們的團隊在協助航空業各利益相關方方面有著良好的記錄,包括:

  • 貨運代理:我們幫助他們在RA合規方面表現出色,確保其運營安全並符合監管標準。
  • 航空倉庫和運輸操作:我們支持他們達到RF標準,優化其流程並加強安全措施。
  • 航空貨運站:我們幫助他們滿足英國和歐盟的RA3要求,應對複雜的法規並實施最佳實踐。
  • 航空公司:我們協助他們遵守美國運輸安全管理局(TSA)的規定,確保運營順暢並保持高水平的安全。


當您與Accounting Plus合作時,您將獲得一支專家團隊的支持,他們致力於幫助您應對RA和RACSF合規的複雜性。我們將與您緊密合作,提供循序漸進的指導和支持,確保您的業務保持安全和合規。我們的目標是簡化合規流程,讓您可以專注於核心業務,而我們則處理航空安全的複雜事務。

不要讓RA和RACSF合規挑戰阻礙您的業務發展。立即聯繫Accounting Plus,安排一次諮詢,了解我們的專業知識如何幫助您自信地實現合規。讓我們成為您航空安全方面值得信賴的合作夥伴,為您提供應得的安心。

About Accounting Plus

At Accounting Plus, our extensive experience in aviation security sets us apart as a trusted partner in helping businesses achieve compliance with RA and RACSF requirements. Our team has a proven track record of assisting various stakeholders in the aviation industry, including:

  • Freight forwarders: We help them excel in RA compliance, ensuring their operations are secure and meet regulatory standards.
  • Air warehouses and transportation operations: We support them in achieving RF standards, optimizing their processes and enhancing security measures.
  • Air cargo terminals: We aid them in meeting UK and EU RA3 requirements, navigating complex regulations and implementing best practices.
  • Airlines: We assist them in complying with US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations, ensuring smooth operations and maintaining a high level of security.

Our diverse experience enables us to provide comprehensive guidance to our RA and RF clients from multiple perspectives. By understanding the unique challenges faced by each stakeholder, we can offer tailored solutions that address their specific needs and requirements. This multi-faceted approach demonstrates our professionalism, reliability, and commitment to delivering exceptional results.

When you partner with Accounting Plus, you gain access to a team of experts who are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of RA and RACSF compliance. We will work closely with you, providing step-by-step guidance and support to ensure your business remains secure and compliant. Our goal is to simplify the compliance process, allowing you to focus on your core operations while we handle the intricacies of aviation security.

Don’t let RA and RACSF compliance challenges hold your business back. Contact Accounting Plus today to schedule a consultation and discover how our expertise can help you achieve compliance with confidence. Let us be your trusted partner in aviation security, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.