8 February, 2023
@ 9:00 am
1:30 pm
Who Should attend:
Nominating Nominated Persons for Cargo Security in RACSF – To ensure the effective implementation of cargo security operations and compliance with the RACSF Security Programme, each RACSF is required to nominate two Nominated Persons (NP) who will be accountable for overseeing the implementation of cargo security operations. These NPs will play a crucial role in ensuring that the RACSF meets the required security standards.
Completion of RACSF Security Training Programme – To qualify for the role of NP, an individual must complete an RACSF Security Training Programme that is conducted by training institutes acceptable to CAD. The RACSF applicant is responsible for ensuring that both NPs have successfully completed the training programme before the proposed RACSF can commence operations.
Validity of Training Certificates – Upon completion of the RACSF Security Training Programme, the individual candidate will be issued a training certificate that is valid for 3 years. After the validity period has expired, the NP will need to complete a refresher course to ensure that their knowledge and skills are up-to-date and relevant.
Medium of instruction
Nominate two committed individuals as Nominated Persons (NP) for Cargo Security and ensure they complete the RACSF Security Training Programme before starting operations. This ensures compliance with the RACSF Security Programme and enhances cargo security.
Bookings close 1 day before the session starts.